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Why Local Line is a great e-commerce platform for seafood

Nina Galle Nina Galle Oct 03,2023

In today's digital age, e-commerce has revolutionized businesses' operations, allowing them to reach a broader audience and streamline their operations. Finding the right e-commerce tool for seafood suppliers can be a game-changer, and that's where Local Line can help. With our innovative features including sell-by-weight functionality, customizable storefront, and the newly introduced subscriptions feature, Local Line stands out as the best e-commerce tool for seafood suppliers.

Sell-By-Weight Functionality

One of the most critical aspects of selling seafood is ensuring accurate weight-based pricing. Most fish and crustaceans don't weigh the same – so why sell them like they are? 

Local Line understands this and offers a comprehensive solution using our sell-by-weight functionality. Sell-by-weight allows seafood suppliers to sell their products by package, but charge customers according to the actual weight. 

After a customer places an order, there's an automatic hold placed on their credit card (or not, if you use offline payment methods) for 7 days. Within 7 days, you can update the final catch weight of the order and automatically charge your customers card.

If you're ready to learn more about our sell-by-weight functionality, click here!

Customizable Storefront

We know that every seafood supplier is unique, and your e-commerce storefront needs to reflect your unique needs. That's why we offer a customizable storefront, giving you the flexibility to showcase your products in a way that best suits your brand and customer preferences. For example, you can customize the colors on your storefront to match your brand. You can also customize your header and storefront layout, with options like list view and grid view product tiles. 

Want to see more ways to customize your Local Line storefront? Click here!

Price Lists

Controlling inventory and pricing for different customers is time consuming, especially when you're working with wholesalers and retailers. Local Line simplifies this process with our price list feature, allowing you to set pricing, availability, and packaging for various customer segments. Whether you want to offer exclusive pricing to loyal customers or competitive rates to new buyers, Local Line's price lists feature streamlines the pricing process, ensuring you can cater to different customer needs without any headaches.


One of the latest additions to Local Line's impressive lineup of features is subscriptions

Build lasting relationships with your customers by offering seafood subscriptions. Whether you want to provide regular seafood deliveries to local restaurants, weekly seafood boxes to households, or monthly supplies to a corporate client, Local Line's subscriptions feature makes it easy. It automates recurring orders, simplifies payment processing, and enhances customer retention – all while offering seafood suppliers a steady and predictable income stream.

Click here to download our free subscriptions guide!

There are lots of e-commerce platforms out there, but seafood is a unique industry, and finding the right platform for you is an important decision that'll affect the growth of your business. Local Line's sell-by-weight functionality, customizable storefront, price lists, and subscriptions make us a top choice for independently owned seafood suppliers of all kinds around the world. 

To take your seafood business to the next level and meet the demands of today's customers, look no further than Local Line!

Nina Galle is the co-author of Ready Farmer One. She continues to arm farmers with the tools, knowledge, and community they need to sell online at Local Line.


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